Interesting Butterfly Seen as late as second-last week of October on SE Denman Island!
Painted Lady Vanessa cardui, photographed in October by Galen Malthouse:

Also photographed on north Denman in May:

This butterfly is considered possibly the most widely distributed butterfly in the world – ranging all over the northern hemisphere and parts of the southern. They migrate here, probably from the permanent breeding populations in deserts of S USA and N Mexico. Some years none reach BC and other years, thousands. They are known to reproduce one generation here, with adults emerging in July, but they are not thought to hibernate here.
Also, Anna’s hummingbirds Calypte anna, both male and female, have been spotted regularly this fall on SW Denman. The male was still here on Nov 23rd:

These little birds appear to be expanding their range, happily adapting to gardens. They have been known to occassionally spend winters in SW BC, but this is the first time many of us have seen them here on Denman. Besides their red, irridescent head (when viewed from the front) these males also carry on a buzy chatter while sitting on their perch… Odd to hear a differnt bird song on Denman at this time of year! They have been known to begin nesting in December, so perhaps this fellow is just getting ready!