On October 24th the Baillie Bird Project concluded with a lively “wrap-up” birding discussion attended by young naturalists, mentor birders and parents!

Projects were presented and activities were discussed. Two of the projects that were displayed highlighted nesting birds on Denman (Galen Malthouse) and summer activities of the Marsh wren Cistothorus palustris (Sandra Puga).

Many Denman birders are now assisting with the winter Comox Valley Trumpeter swan Cygnus buccinator count. Swan numbers have been monitored weekly on the many Denman marshes from November through March for over 15 years. The numbers are just beginning to rise. Last week in the valley there were 702 swans (adults – white & juveniles – still grey).

We also count the number of Canada geese. So far, while many swans have been seen flying over Denman, our totals have been 4 swans (TRUS) and 82 Canada geese (CAGO). Perhaps today’s count will be higher: