will take place
7:30 pm on Monday, March 1, 2010
in the DCA Room, Marcus Isbister Old School
The AGM business will include:
- The Directors’ Report, Treasurer’s Report, Committee Reports
- A Special Resolution to approve the transfer of one hectare of Central Park land to DIMS
- Election of Directors
The DCA Board is recommending to members the approval of the transfer of approximately one hectare (2.6 acres) in the southeast corner of Central Park to Denman Island Memorial Society (DIMS) for a cemetery.
DIMS is a charitable society formed early in 2009. Its purpose is to establish and maintain a second burial ground for the residents of Denman Island and members of their families, as the original cemetery has reached its capacity.
This proposed use of a small portion of Central Park land has been made known to DCA members from the first discussions of the purchase of Central Park. The land is suitable for burials and it is located at the corner of Denman Road and North Central Road, kitty-corner from the existing cemetery.
DCA and DIMS have agreed that a Conservation Covenant will be attached to the title of the cemetery land when it is transferred. This will provide for maintaining only native vegetation on the land and its use for natural burials. The covenant will give DCA a continuing interest in the management of the land.
Natural burial aims to return human remains to the earth in their natural state, with little or no impact on the land and without the emissions that result from cremation.
The process of defining the parcel of land to be transferred and gaining approval for the change of use (it is currently zoned for agriculture) has been launched. Applications have been made to the Agricultural Land Commission for removal of the land from the ALR and to Islands Trust for rezoning. Neither of these processes has been completed.
The 60 hectare Central Park block is the NE ¼ Section 17 Denman Island except those parts in Plans 14174 & 17286; PID 006-639-411.
The DCA Board recommends the transfer of one hectare of Central Park to DIMS because protection of its conservation values will continue and a valuable service will become available to the community.
Denman Conservancy Association Newsletter February 2010
During the Islands Trust review of applications for rezoning of the North Denman Lands and The Point the Local Trust Committee asked the two proponents to grant conservation covenants over land in the Danes Creek watershed that was proposed to be zoned Conservation. Danes Creek is at the north end of Denman Island and flows into Henry Bay.
The proponents have approached DCA to hold these covenants and we have commenced discussions. A first draft covenant text has been exchanged. DCA views these areas as valuable conservation areas but does not believe they are suitable areas for public access or recreation. The land is expected to remain privately owned.
on DCA managed land on Denman Island
During the past year DCA has published brochures for our conservation properties that have public trails. Coloured pictures and maps illustrate the different features of these treasured places. Editing and many of the photos were the work of DCA’s Land Manager, Andrew Fyson. Come to the AGM and pick up copies for the properties you haven’t yet visited!
Printing of the maps was generously funded by the Coastal Community Credit Union.
For those who missed the exciting presentation of “From flippers to flukes: BC’s whales, dolphins, porpoises and sea turtles” by Caitlin Birdsall, Research Assistant- Vancouver Aquarium, on February 1st:
Its not too late to join the Sightings Network.
To report your sightings of whales, dolphins and porpoises:
phone: 1 866 I SAW ONE
[one_half last]
First of the Spring Series:
The Why and Wherefore of Herring Spawning
John Tayless, February 27, 10 am at the Old School

Twenty-six Bald eagle Haliaeetus leucocephalus nest-trees were identified in a survey of Denman Island in 2009. All were in large Douglas-fir old-growth veteran trees, greater than approximately 200 years old, except for one in a large cottonwood. The survey was done by Jenny Balke assisted by Galen Malthouse and Elizabeth Chapman.
As 77% of eagle nest-trees are on private land, and only 23% are in protected old-growth reserves, the participation of land-stewards in the protection and monitoring of eagle nest-trees on Denman is essential.
For more information on this survey and eagle-nest stewardship visit:
Denman Conservancy Association
Annual General Meeting
Monday March 1st, 7.30 pm
DCA Room, Old School
Denman Conservancy Association Newsletter February 2010