Newsletter May 2011

DCA Newsletter
By J. Millen

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Since March the Landskeepers Program has quietly but steadily developed, training volunteers with the aim of integrating them into the ongoing work of monitoring and maintaining the lands under the DCA’s stewardship.   It began with a well-attended Orientation Assembly on March 20.  Three-dozen or so enthusiastic folk gathered.  The knowledge and expertise found in the circle of folks present was truly remarkable auguring well for the work to come.  The assembly ended with much promise as folks walked out into the sunshine of the first day of spring.

It was clear after the assembly

that the first order of business for the Landskeeper Program is to familiarize volunteers with lands under DCA care.  To that end a number of activities have taken place such as three GPS workshops, which took folks into Central Park looking for geo-caches strategically scattered over the lands.  Friday morning Migratory Bird Walks in Central Park welcomed the new arrivals exciting the participants with each additional appearance.   The endangered Taylor Checkerspot Butterfly’s larvae was searched for and found in the Railway Grade Marsh.  Currently the hatched Checkerspots in the Settlement Lands are being counted and recorded.

For the coming days

a number of events are being planned.  The baseline work in the RGM will unfold.   Following the informative visit to the Lindsay Dickson marine foreshore seeking out it’s many delightful creatures, more excursions into Lindsay Dickson Forest are planned.   An Assembly is projected for early June where a job description and a rough monitoring schedule will be introduced.  Over time all properties will be studied showing participants the important ecological assets of each of the lands and preparing them for assisting with monitoring and management tasks.

Its not too late to join in these activities. For further information contact Juan Barker.

The Landkeepers Project is being undertaken with the financial support of the Government of Canada, provided through the Department of the Environment.


The endangered Taylor’s Checkerspot butterfly (Euphydryas editha taylori) whose only known Canadian breeding sites are on Denman Island can be seen flying through May and early June. This year, with the cool wet weather, very few sightings have been recorded.

If you think you see a Taylor’s Checkerspot, note the time and place and let me, Jenny Balke or J Thornton know. Information on sightings is important in our quest to conserve this beautiful creature.

Andrew Fyson, DCA Land Manager

Saturday May 28 Bird Song Walk

Meet at 8 am for a walk in Central Park starting from the corner of Denman and North Central Roads (kitty corner from the Cemetery). Join Patrick Fawkes who said: “We will walk slowly and stop often to listen to each bird’s song and try to remember it!”


With much regret we acknowledged the resignations from the Board of Carol and David Freeman. We owe a huge thank-you to these two hardworking Board members for many years of service to Denman Island and particularly to the DCA.


  • Stacey Armstrong
  • Patrick Fawkes
  • Jenny Balke
  • DD Fuchs
  • Doug Bell
  • Peter Karsten
  • Annie Corddry
  • Keith Keller
  • David Critchley
  • John Millen
  • John Dillon
  • J Thornton
  • Susan-Marie Yoshihara


Work on the subdivision of the Cemetery parcel from Central Park land has continued as Islands Trust put forward changes to the Denman Land Use Bylaw to provide for the cemetery.

A Conservation Covenant

will be attached to the title of the cemetery land when it is transferred. Substantial agreement has been reached between DCA and DIMS on the text of the covenant. The covenant will provide for maintaining only native vegetation on the land and its use for natural burials. Natural burial aims to return human remains to the earth in their natural state, with little or no impact on the land and without the emissions that result from cremation.

Denman Conservancy Association Newsletter May 2011


Thanks to our volunteers! We absolutely could not do it without you!

Carol Addison
Janet Baker
Jenny Balke
Doug Bell
Seb Berg
Larry Berg
Deb Bishop
Deryn Buchan
Claire Callahan
Steve Carballeira
Sheila Carnegie
Elizabeth Chapman
Jean Cockburn
Stephan Cook
Annie Corddry
Dani Crenna
Cindy Critchley
David Critchley
Pea Davies
Anne de Cosson
Herman de Vries
Riane Dasilva
Anne Davidson
Michael Dennis
Paule Deschenes
Lisa Devenish
Rodney Devenish
John Dillon
Marion Dillon
Ron Dobie
Rae Eckel
Ulysses Emortil
Jane Fawkes
Patrick Fawkes
Jean Ferry
Len Fortier
Julie Fortin
Margaret Fraser
Carol Freeman
David Freeman
Bob French
Sara French
Alan Friesen
DD Fuchs
Tim Fuchs
Andrew Fyson
Nicole Gagne
Swann Gardner
Leslie Garriock
Mitra Ghafarri
Leslie Gillett
Stewart Goodings
Karl Goodwin
Brenda Green
Richard Green
Sherri Hannay
Mary Hagemoen
Janice Hayward
Harlene Holm
Frances Honsinger
Chenoa Honsinger

Sheila Horner
Jane Hughes
Kate Janeway
Tim Jeffery
Marilyn Jensen
Liz Johnston
Ruth Jones
Leah Kelly
Jane Kerr
Ann Kimmons
Claire King
Patrice Leblanc
Ana Miriam Leigh
Darlene Lessard
Jane Lighthall
Chris Luckett
Don Luckett
Khirsty MacArthur
Boyd MacKean
Denise MacKean
Sheelagh MacKenzie
Galen Malthouse
Stephen Malthouse
Roxanna Mandryk
Helen Mason
Laura Mason
Linda Mather
Jim Matthew
Maxine Matilpi
Pat McLaughlin
Heather McLean
Katarina Meglic
Sandy Melnyk
Gloria Michin
Doug Magoon Miller
Carla Morrison
Barbara Mullin
Mike Nestor
Robert Newton
Sheila Nopper
Nick Oegema
Tricia Olma
Anne Page
Roberta Pagdin
Bob Parsons
Melissa Petlock
Kathy Phasey
Lisa Pierce
Keith Porteous
Suzanne Potvin
Sandra Puga
Tanya Quinn
Max Rogers
Randy Rogers
Patti Rose
Dawn Russell
Carmen Saunders
Andrew Scruton
David Scruton
Judith Scruton
Janet Simpson-Cooke
Sharon Small

Contributors to this Newsletter: Juan Barker, Patrick Fawkes, Andrew Fyson, John Millen, Susan-Marie Yoshihara

Brian Smith,
Judy Stephen
Wendy Stewart
Jed Sullivan
Gerald Talbot
Rosemary Talbot
Chris Taylor
Judy Taylor
Peter Thomsen
Veronica Timmons
Kathy Tolson
Bryan Treen
Connie Treen
Sue Trueman
Vlasta Ulovec
Shelly VanDale
Joan Vinnedge
Inga von Kirchenheim
Keith Walker
Linda Weech
Mike White
Selinda White
Patti Willis
Dody Wilson
Dorrie Woodward
Alison Yarwood
The Ferry and Ticket Booth Crews
The Denman Fire Department

Very special thank you to Des Bowman whose lemonade stand in Jayne-Anne’s garden raised $11 for DCA

(We want to thank every volunteer who helped with this year’s Tour. If your name was left out, we apologize!)

Thanks to the property owners who made the Tour possible:

Denman Island Arts Centre
Shayne Barker and Tracy Horovatin
Mikell and Toby Callahan
The Hermitage Fellowship
Bruce Holden and Lee Andra Jacobs
Jayne Anne O’Reilly
Carol and John Ralston
Mark Randall and John Tallerino
Dawn Stoffer
Jimmy Tait
Yoshi and Susan-Marie Yoshihara

Thanks to our sponsors:

Union Bay Credit Union
Fanny Bay Oysters
H20 Environmental
Baynes Sound Oysters
South Country Feed
Brian Miles
Van Isle Vet.
Buckley Bay Beachcomber Petrocan
Art Knapp Nursery

Thanks to the Ticket Outlets:

Abraxas Books
Denman Craft Shop
Denman General Store
32 Books, Hornby Island
Apple Seed Cottage, Campbell River
Something Special, Campbell River
Home and Garden Gate, Courtenay and Cumberland
Art Knapp Nursery, Courtenay
Blue Heron Books, Comox
Arrowsmith Greenhouses, Qualicum Beach
Ken-Dor Garden Centre, Qualicum Beach
Cannor Nursery, Parksville
Dig This, Nanaimo
Long Lake Nurseries, Nanaimo

Thanks to our coordinator Shonna Janeway and her team

who pulled it off despite the weather!
Press:  Laura Busheikin
Photography: Kate Janeway

Denman Conservancy Association Newsletter May 2011

2 thoughts on “Newsletter May 2011”

  1. May I please have the address of Brenda Green as yesterday she phoned me to tell her that her Mom had passed away & I want to send a Sympathy card to her and the Family….Her Mom was a wonderful friend of mine….Thank you, Mavis Ritchie

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