Newsletter, September 2012

DCA Newsletter
By J. Millen

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Railway Grade Marsh

Photo by Andrew Fyson

Railway Grade Marsh Covenant Area has a new information Kiosk at the head of the trail. It is located beside Northwest Road just south of the junction with Danes Road. (The new road to The Point.)

DCA’s task group working on a Management Plan for the covenant area has been in recess during the summer but it will shortly take up the task again. The draft Management Plan will be put before a public meeting for comment before it is adopted.

DCA Financials

Recently our ‘big sister’ conservation agency, The Land Conservancy (TLC) based in Victoria, has revealed that they are having financial difficulties. They have had to retrench severely and placate their creditors.

DCA’s membership and supporters may be reassured that our finances are in excellent shape. DCA has no debt and possesses a substantial endowment fund. The Board recently resolved to operate so that the Association has a balanced budget over a two year period. This will take into account the cycle of fundraising, having our Garden Tour occurring every second year.

Our finances are therefore sound but we do have continuing expenses incurred managing our own land and covenants as well as Island Trust Fund properties. We will continue to depend on the generous support of our membership and the Denman community.

Memorial Bench Dedication

The Denman Conservancy Association’s third memorial bench will be installed in Central Park on Sept 9th. This bench is dedicated to the memory of Mary Noël and Nicholas Balke, the parents of Jenny Balke. Since 1988, Noël & Nick were frequent visitors to their Denman friends and family. Noël moved to Denman in 2004 and died peacefully in her home on December 24th, 2011. The bench dedication is from 1 to 4 pm Sunday Sept 9th at the Old School.

Walk & Talks

Resuming DCA’s Outreach speakers program after a summer break:

Hamish Kimmins will lead a walk to explore the ecology of the different landscapes of the Railway Grade Marsh Covenant Area and Komas Bluff. Saturday, September 29th. Meet 10 am at the interpretive kiosk, Railway Grade Marsh (see above). This walk is subject to cancellation. Watch the DCA events notice board at the big tree across from the Arts Centre.

Steve Carballeira will talk on Denman’s geology and groundwater Thursday October 25th 7.30 pm in the Back Hall.

DCA’s 21’st Birthday

The Denman Conservancy Association held a celebration on September 15th at 7:30 PM. Highlighting the evening was Bob McDonald of CBC’s Quirks & Quarks with a presentation titled: Perspectives on a Planet

Bob gave a look at the Earth in its full environmental context: a small rocky ball covered in a thin film of water and air just close enough to an average star to support intelligent life. There is no other world like it. Looking at our planet in a holistic way we see how its face has changed over time and how human activity is altering that face today. The challenge is to find ways we can take care of that little bit of air and water that clings to its surface for the future.

Request For Proposals – Web Site Rebuild

Denman Conservancy Association is seeking proposals from experienced designers to rebuild

To request a copy of the draft project brief and to submit proposals email

Proposals are due by 21st Sept. 2012. (Note: Now closed.)

Contributors to this Newsletter:Jenny Balke, David Critchley, Andrew Fyson, Peter Karsten, John Millen, Susan-Marie Yoshihara

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