Here’s Harlene’s Garry Oak Garden
The left shows the project’s fencing material and the great Garry oak habitat in a sandstone-ridge clearing.
The enlargement on the right shows the fence clips.

This is looking down from above on the plantings & on the right is a close up of one of the little trees!
Here’s the Thornton’s older Garry Oak Garden.
These Garry oaks are around 15 years old. Camas grow below.
This is Susan Marie’s and Yoshi’s Garry Oak Garden
Their little trees are budded up.
Their little trees are budded up.
This is one of their older Garry oaks!
So is anything new at Jenny’s Garden?
A little Fawn lily leaf Erythronium oregonum is showing.
These lily leaves, shown earlier, are harvest brodiaea Brodiaea coronaria. The leaves dry up before the flowers appear.