Home and Garden Tour Tickets on Sale Now!

EventsGarden Tour
By J. Millen

Home » Garden Tour » Home and Garden Tour Tickets on Sale Now!

2013 Denman Island Country Home and Garden Tour

The Denman Island Home & Garden Tour turns 20 this year! Please help us spread the word about this long-lived and much-loved fundraising event, which was named one of Canada’s top six horticultural events by the Globe and Mail, and described as “a much anticipated highlight of Spring” in the Victoria Times-Colonist. We are very excited about this year’s tour. It will take place on the weekend of June 15th and 16th showing a bounty of summer blooms as opposed to the spring shows of the last few tours. This will also be excellent timing to see the many abundant vegetable gardens in all their glory. Tickets are $18. If you can’t make the whole tour, but would like to visit one or two locations there will be a $5 single location entry fee. We have some spectacular new locations and some returning favorites. The tour will start off at the Denman Island School garden, showing all the dedicated work done by staff, parents and student as well as their vision for the future. DICES will be providing the lunch as a fundraiser and are aiming to grow all the veggies on site.

From May 15 Garden Tour tickets may be purchased at Vancouver Island retail outlets listed Here.

Hours: Gardens will be open 9.30 am to 5 pm.

There is a 9 am ferry from Buckley Bay to Denman Island.

Kids are free.

Retail Outlets on Vancouver Island, selling tickets after 15 May are listed Here.

16 thoughts on “Home and Garden Tour Tickets on Sale Now!”

  1. Hi,

    I have purchased tickets on-line for the Denman Island Home and Garden Tour but was wondering how I acquire the tickets?


    • You have your receipt and we have a record of the purchase. You will pick up your tickets with the map of the Tour from a desk in the village as soon as you arrive on Denman Island on the day of the tour.
      See you then,

  2. Hi there,
    I am planning to come over to Denman on the weekend of your garden tour. My sister and 9 year old niece and I will be staying with friends on the island. If we buy tickets for more than one, do we get a deal??? and Do I have to buy a ticket for my little niece?
    Thank you for a reply, we will purchase tickets on line.
    most kindly,

    • Hi Susan,
      You have to buy 10 tickets to get a discount. Note buying on-line before May 15 will save you $3 per ticket. Kids are free.

  3. Please let me know the hours of the event for Saturday and Sunday. I would love to purchase 3 tickets but I have limited time due to other commitments.

    Thank you,


    • Gardens will be open 9.30 am to 5 pm.
      There is a 9 am ferry from Buckley Bay to Denman Island.

  4. Hi,

    Would it be possible to have the 4 tickets I purchased today on line mailed to me ?
    I am concerned about others who will have to go to the Villlage to obtain their tickets, all at once …with possible long line ups . Also where exactly is the desk in the Village?

    Thanks for your reply,

    • The ticket pick-up desk will be on the Porch of the Community Hall, 100 meters past the General Store. We are not mailing out tickets bought on-line.

  5. I too am concerned about long lines to pick up tickets purchased online. Would it be possible for people that live here on Denman Island to pick up their tickets earlier? That might also reduce lineups on the days of the tour.

    • Thanks Peter,
      good idea to make ticket redemptions available on-island on Friday. We’re working on it.

  6. I’ve just purchased tickets for this year’s tour and am coming from Buckley Bay. Can you tell me if the tour can be done by bicycle by average fitness seniors? I’ve never been to Denman Island.

    Can you tell me the distance involved?



    • Hi T,

      The Tour is about 30 km, not counting driveways. We really hope people will be able to cycle around. There have been many cyclists in past years but the route changes from Tour to Tour. Its mostly paved road, but there is about 5 km of gravel road, and more of driveways.
      You could decide to forgo one or two places that are off the main circuit route (but don’t miss the Kennedy’s garden), or perhaps come both days as you can with the tickets you have bought. I suggest bringing your own lunch as the Lunch offered at the Community Hall is near the ferry where you start and finish, not where you will be in the middle of the day.
      I trust this helps with your planning,

    • Earlybird prices were offered “before the 15th May”. Today the retail outlets start sales @ $18 and the on-line price matches that.

  7. I am interested in purchasing two tickets to the 2015 Denman Island Home and Garden Tour. However, your ticket page pertains to the 2013 Tour. Please let me know how to proceed to purchase the tickets.


    • Nope. Whatever you have read, if you buy tickets on line from Denman Conservancy they will be for this year’s Home & Garden Tour on 13th and 14th June 2015. Note you can also now purchase tickets from many retail outlets on Vancouver Island; all listed on this web site on the Garden Tour page.

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