Beadnell Creek Salmon are back. On November 2, after weeks of waiting and jumping, they lost no time making their way up stream during the small window of opportunity around the first high tide after the creek rejoined the ocean. I was fortunate enough to witness this and this link, Beadnell Creek Salmon, will take you to a video of the event. The time frame between the clip of the first salmon heading upstream and the last clip is about 30 minutes.

Thanks Wren,
Great video.
From Mike Morrell: Great to see some of them into the creek. Thanks, Wren. Any idea how many went up while you were there?
I probably saw 15-20 go up while I was there. I haven’t seen any go up since but I startled one in lower part of the creek 2 days ago so they are still going up, just hard to see because the creek mouth is larger and the tides are higher.
Thanks, Carol. 15-20 is lower than some historical numbers, but it’s quite a bit higher than estimated total escapement in some recent years. The best spawning habitat is in the lower 2-3km of the creek. Spawners may be visible from the park trail between the creek and Beadnell Rd. Watch for splashing at the downstream end of pools.