Herring Spawning Talk March 1

By J. Millen

Home » Nature Reports » herring » Herring Spawning Talk March 1

John Tayless  will present his seasonal talk on the notable Spring Event: Herring Spawning around our shores, on Saturday morning, March 1 at 10.30 am; in the Conservancy Room, at the Old School.

Why do the herring appear in the waters around Denman Island in the first 2 weeks of March, year after year after year? To marine biologist and former Denman Islander John Tayless the annual migration of herring is as phenomenal as the journey of the monarch butterflies. Here on the Pacific coast the herring are crucial to so many other species. Take the Brant geese as just one example. These magnificent birds will soon arrive after flying non-stop from Mexico.  They will rest here for a few days, feed on nutritious herring roe attached to the eel grass and then take off again on another direct flight to their nesting grounds in Alaska.
The waters around Denman and Hornby are critical habitat for marine life of all kinds, but how many of us know much about these natural wonders?
Come and hear about the return of the herring on Saturday March 1 in the Conservancy Room at the Old School, 10:30 am.

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