Newsletter March 2014

DCA Newsletter
By J. Millen

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Due to Snow conditions last Monday, the AGM was postponed

The Postponed
will now take place
7:30 pm on Monday, March 3, 2014
in the  Conservancy Room
Old School Centre

The AGM business will include:

v  The Directors’ Report, Treasurer’s Report, Committee Reports

v  A Special Resolution to approve an amendment to the Bylaws to clarify the membership rules

v  Election of Directors


On Saturday March 1st John Tayless will present his annual talk (15th time!) on the herring spawning carnival around our shores. The event itself makes the Denman shores of Lambert Channel (and sometimes in Baynes Sound) a spectacular scene of milk-white sea attended by flocks of gulls and eagles, herds of sea lions and as well the fleet of fish boats and gillnet skiffs.

John Tayless’ Talk

Where: Conservancy Room, Old School

When: 10.30 am, Saturday March 1.

Herring Seiner  Fleet in Baynes Sound

 photo by Jan Florian, 2004


Monday 3 March 2014


A current membership is required in order to vote on DCA society matters. Volunteers will be available before the meeting commencement to accept a minimum $10 donation from those who wish to renew their membership.

Special Resolution: membership

by John Millen, DCA Co-Chair
A by-law task Force has worked hard to update our membership rules. Changes to the membership rules are proposed for adoption by Special Resolution at the AGM. These changes are intended to:

  • clarify meaning,
  • correct grammar,
  • ensure gender neutrality,
  • allow the Board of Directors to set the fee for life membership (formerly set at $2000), and
  • define when members are/are not in good standing and when a person ceases to be a member.

Copies of the membership section of the by-laws with the proposed changes may be obtained by contacting a Director and will be available at the meeting. The existing bylaws are available on the Denman Conservancy web site Go to the ‘about’ page and scroll well down to find a link under the heading: Constitution, Bylaws & Policies.
For general information about DCA, and currewww.denmanconservancy.orgnt information about events etc. check our website:


Denman Conservancy sponsors an annual bursary for a North Island College student.
In 2013 DCA’s David Fraser bursary was awarded to Miranda Kent – 2nd year student planning to   complete a BSc at the University of Victoria.


Lately we have been much engaged with the very necessary replacement of the Old School roof. Our concern is the provision for the bat population that rears their young there each summer. Doug Bell, working with the contractor’s representative, John Lewis of Nelson Roofing, has organised our project to build a floor to the ‘attic’ which will help keep bats from straying into the rest of the building and make the annual clean-up of their droppings easier and more effective. We also have an ambition to put a camera in the attic to observe the bats’ nightly activities. Much credit is due to Gloria, Bob French, Annie, Doug and Jenny all of whom have spent many hours on this project.

Volunteers & Donations welcome for the Old School-Roof Bat Project

Please contact Doug Bell (335-2576), Annie Corddry (335-2762) or Jenny Balke (335-2151)

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