I have returned from my jaunt; got part way around the island – will complete at a future date. I need to get the word out, if you did not already know, that the starfish ‘disease’ has apparently hit Denman in a big way. I attach photos from 3 locations around Denman from June 12-14 (not pretty, of Purple Stars Pisaster ochraceus in various state of decay). The locations are indicated in the file name. Has anyone else any observations on this? Please feel free to pass this on and post on Facebook etc. This will have effects on our coastal ecosystems! I saw one apparently ‘normal’ but very small Purple Star. I saw no individuals of other species.

This starfish disease has apparently devistated the starfish population at the south end of Denman Is. Every year for the past 30 we’ve enjoyed viewing a proliferation of purple starfish on the rocks and in the crevices of the rocky shoreline just a bit north of Eagle Rock. This year nothing but barren rocks.
Is the cause a parasite? Is it a normal cycle of our ecosystem or something stemming for climate change and/or human influence? Will they return? What is the impact on the local food chain and ecosystem?
Not nexessarily seek answers but more sharing my questions and concerns!
Saddened and concerned,