Denman Mushroom Festival Oct. 3 & 4

EventsNature Reports
By J. Millen

Home » Nature Reports » Denman Mushroom Festival Oct. 3 & 4

The Denman Conservancy Association’s first Mushroom Festival kicks off on the evening of Friday October 3rd with an entertaining talk and slide show by renowned biologist, author and musician Andy MacKinnon. Andy is co-author of The Plants of Coastal British Columbia along with Jim Pojar. The focus of the event is to learn about the amazing fungi of our island and to know which ones we can eat and which ones to avoid! We are fortunate to have one of B.C.’s leading mycologists to guide us.

The Friday evening talk in the Back Hall at 7.30 pm will be followed by a Saturday morning walk to find some of those fabulous fungi. By then the mushrooms will be popping up in their special, secret places. We will meet Saturday at the Old School at 10am and car pool to find them.

Some of Andrew Fyson’s photos of mushrooms in Winter Wren Woods: (the photos were taken in October of previous years).

Amanita -Muscaria
Laccaria amethysteo-occidentalis
Coprinus comatus

2 thoughts on “Denman Mushroom Festival Oct. 3 & 4”

  1. Hi, there are several mushroom enthusiasts from Courtenay that would like to come to your event. Sadly, the ferry schedule doesn’t really work to attend the evening talk. Do you think there is a possibility of billets or could you suggest a reasonable place to stay on Friday night? Thanks. Amy

    • Hi Amy, try the GuestHouse Bistro (where the musical happenings will take place on Saturday night). I believe they charge $25 per night for accommodations.

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