Birds in Winter

EventsNature Reports
By J. Millen

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We still have a hummingbird visiting our feeder, near ‘downtown Denman’. It looks like an Anna’s, they are known to winter over in this area.

The picture here by Dennis Forsyth is of a Rufus, a much more common visitor to our feeders in summer.

As usual Denman birders are doing two Christmas Counts on Denman in 2014.
These counts are organised by the birders themselves, not by DCA.

  • All-Denman Count: Sunday Dec 14.
  • North End Count (helping Comox with their official Christmas count): Sunday Dec 21.

Most birder residents of the Island have been on past counts so you know the routine.  Others who wish to participate should let Mike know if you want to help out on one or both Counts or if you need more information.  He will provide details closer to the date for those who express interest.
Contact: Mike Morrell 5-0964

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