Spring on Denman wouldn’t be the same without the chorus of voices from our ponds! So in the frog’s honour the Denman Conservancy is hosting events for a spring Frog Festival.
First is the “Frog Art Show”. Frog Art of any kind will be shown for 3 days at the Arts Centre April 29, 30, May 1. The show will be curated by Andrew Fyson. Anyone who wishes to submit frog-art: visual, sound or performance art, please contact Andrew (5-9047). Further details will follow. Have fun creating!
Next, the Spring Bird Count will become the “Spring Frog and Bird Count”. For Denman’s tree frog* songsters we’ll watch Denman go green by putting dots on a Denman map for all the frog-singing-spots! So anyone with frog-insomnia and / or those who just love their noisey pond, please call Stirling Fraser and add a frog-dot to celebrate your pond. For the birds, Denman’s returning tropical avian-migrants, remaining winter “snow-birds” and year-round resident avian neighbours will be monitored in the traditional bird-count fashion. For those interested in this too, the Denman birder hotline and this web site will have more Spring bird-count details closer to the date.
For other Frog Festival activities please stay tuned.
Frog Festival prizes – the “Small Pond Awards” will be awarded for activities during the festival!
* our tree frog Hyla regilla was classified as a “chorus frog” Pseudocaris regilla a number of years ago…. and yes they sure chorus and climb!