Frog Festival April 29 – May 1

EventsNature Reports
By J. Millen

Home » Nature Reports » Frog Festival April 29 – May 1
photo by Peter Karsten

Spring on Denman wouldn’t be the same without the chorus of voices from our ponds!  So in the frog’s honour the Denman Conservancy is hosting events for a spring Frog Festival.

First is the “Frog Art Show”.  Frog Art of any kind will be shown for 3 days at the Arts Centre April 29, 30, May 1.  The show will be curated by Andrew Fyson.  Anyone who wishes to submit frog-art: visual, sound or performance art, please contact Andrew (5-9047).  Further details will follow.  Have fun creating!

Next, the Spring Bird Count will become the “Spring Frog and Bird Count”.  For Denman’s tree frog* songsters we’ll watch Denman go green by putting dots on a Denman map for all the frog-singing-spots!  So anyone with frog-insomnia and / or those who just love their noisey pond, please call Stirling Fraser and add a frog-dot to celebrate your pond.  For the birds, Denman’s returning tropical avian-migrants, remaining winter “snow-birds” and year-round resident avian neighbours will be monitored in the traditional bird-count fashion.  For those interested in this too, the Denman birder hotline and this web site will have more Spring bird-count details closer to the date.

For other Frog Festival activities please stay tuned.

Frog Festival prizes – the “Small Pond Awards” will be awarded for activities during the festival!

* our tree frog Hyla regilla was classified as a “chorus frog” Pseudocaris regilla a number of years ago…. and yes they sure chorus and climb!

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