Contributed by Dennis Forsyth
As most of us know, this is an ideal time to walk in Central Park for anybody interested in birding. Lots of migrants are currently returning, lots of year-rounders are busy getting ready to nest and the viewing is as good as it will be. That is, the deciduous trees are still not leaved out although that isn’t going to last long. Once the canopy is fully leaved bird spotting becomes challenging to say the least.
Right now is a good time for early arrivals among the warblers – Orange-crowned, Common Yellowthroat, Yellow-rumped and Townsends are all possibles. The marsh is full of frog songs and I noticed a pair of Wood Ducks there this (Monday) morning. While watching them a sudden clamour alerted me to a largish (25) flock of Trumpeters flying over quite low. Listened to a Pileated Woodpecker and saw a Flicker and a Red-breasted Sapsucker. And finally had a lovely Nuthatch fly out just ahead of me on the trail. All in all a great morning. I would recommend either fairly early in the morning or late afternoon to maximize bird sightings. Dennis