Early Birds of Spring

Nature Reports
By J. Millen

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American Goldfinch Carduelis tristis
American Goldfinch Carduelis tristis

Dennis Forsyth writes:

Just recorded our first American Goldfinch of the season at our feeder.

This is shaping up as a special spring I think.  We have always had quite a few birds nesting in our yard and close environs.  All the usuals, Robins, Chickadees, Siskins, Purple and House Finches, Towhees, Juncos, Brewer’s Blackbirds etc.  And because we have a small, mature coniferous forest partly on our property and extending into the vacant lot next door we get a lot of less common nesters, Nuthatches, Sapsuckers, Goldfinches, Hummingbirds among them.

My nest boxes have in the past attracted a single pair of Violet-greens each year and are sometimes used by Chickadees.  This year the nest count may be expanding.  We seem to have two pairs of Violet-greens interested in two separate boxes.  This would be unusual I think as this species tends to be more territorial than most of the other Swallows.

We also have a pair of mature Bald Eagles, obviously male and female, who spend much time in a perch tree on the vacant lot.  This tree would, I think, support a nest, but I see no sign of building yet and this would be pretty late.  In the meantime, we do have a pair of Crows who are building in a fir tree.  Not sure how pleased I will be with that considering the numerous other small birds who are open nesting in the vicinity.

And finally, once again, a pair of Collared Doves are looking seriously like a mated pair and making frequent trips into the understory. We are looking forward to a summer full of babies.  Dennis

Violet-green Swallow Tachycineta thalassina
Violet-green Swallow Tachycineta thalassina