Spring Bird Count Sunday May 1

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By J. Millen

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Mike Morrell writes:

On Sunday May 1 we’ll participate in the annual Spring Bird Count in co-operation with the Comox Valley Naturalists.  On this count we cover the same area as on the Comox Christmas Count: upper Baynes Sound, Henry Bay, Longbeak Spit (and Tree Island when the tide permits—not this year).

We’ll meet at 8AM at Jean Allen’s house at Komas Ranch.  From there we bird the large Komas Ranch wet field, the forest along Henry Bay, Longbeak Spit and whatever we can see of Tree Island and upper Baynes Sd/Henry Bay.  We’ll finish by about noon, though keeners may want to spend a little more time at Al Scott’s beach at the end of Gladstone Way.

We usually see 50 species or more, including both wintering and migrant seabirds and resident and migrant songbirds.  This is a good opportunity for novice and beginning birders to see a good variety of species in the company of more experienced observers.

For carpooling or other information, reply to this message or phone me at 335-0964.
Mike Morrell =

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