What Are the Differences?
Pacific Treefrog (Chorus Frog)

- bumpy skin (may be fairly smooth),
- nose to shoulder black stripe (mask),
- may have other black spots, lines, usually creamy belly,
- no longitudinal body fold,
- toe pads on long slender toes, little webbing,
- length up to 5cm, can leap but usually hop or climb,
- distinctive voice and loud mating song in spring.
Red-legged Frog

- fairly smooth skin (may have the odd bump),
- often dark near eye, usually no defined stripe,
- many black freckles and marks, red under legs,
- longitudinal (dorso-lateral) fold from eye along back,
- no toe-pads, some webbing,
- usually larger ~ up to 10 cm – and will readily ‘leap’,
- quiet, mating call underwater.