25th Anniversary Picnic and Mystery Hunt
The membership of the Denman Conservancy is invited to attend a picnic on Sunday August 21st to help celebrate the 25th anniversary of the DCA.
reserve this date!

As part of the celebration and to encourage everyone to take a closer look at the DCA properties on the Island (Morrison Marsh, Winter Wren Wood, Lindsay Dickson, Central Park, Inner Island Nature Reserve, the Settlement Lands, and Railway Grade Marsh) the DCA is staging a mystery quest/hunt in conjuction with the picnic. Small signs bearing individual or pairs of words, collectively making up a conservation oriented quote will be carefully hidden somewhere on the properties in early August. Anyone successfully locating all the words and figuring out the quote will have their name entered into a draw for some great prizes at the picnic. Watch for more information in August. Anyone not yet a member of the DCA can contact DD Fuchs at __ 5-1413.
or mail in a Membership-Application-Form.pdf
Hi there:
The mystery hunt was a great idea. Our family jumped at the opportunity to explore new places on the island and together we visited all the DCA lands collecting clues as we walked and think we have the answer to the mystery.
We will come to the picnic on the 21st. Do we submit our answer somewhere or bring it to the picnic?
Thanks, Debbie Frketich
Hi Debbie,
bring your solution to the Picnic. There will be a draw for prizes among correct entries.
I agree with Debbie. The Mystery Hunt was a great way to show islanders the lands DCA manages. It was quite a feat to avoid tripping on roots while keeping your eyes roving around looking for signs, but Danni and I managed to stay upright. We found a path new to us both in the LIndsay Dickson Nature Reserve, and a few of the others were also new to her. Keep up the good work, DCA!