Spring bird Count on Sunday 30th April was very fun and interesting with 67 species seen. Just three of us went right over to Tree (on the map – Sandy) Island and in the end were out for 12 hours.

A couple of highlights were the Western tanager – Denman’s prettiest bird, often difficult to see high in the trees – and the shore birds – Dowitchers – probably short-billed, confirmed later by Art Martell.

The flowers are well into the spring season, with Larkspur and Field chickweed just starting, Chocolate lilies in profusion and fantastic pathways of Gold stars, Blue-eyed mary, Sea blush etc. The tall Oregon grape are in full bloom and the taller shrubs are just beginning to blossom.

Final bird species count was 64 and a total of 949 individuals. Besides the species mentioned by Jenny, highlights were a male Wood Duck at Komas Ranch, a Sharp-shinned Hawk at Tree Island, 6 species of shorebirds, 4 species of gulls, 5 Band-tailed Pigeons, 2 Barred Owls duetting off Gladstone Way, 6 Northern Rough-winged Swallows, 4 species of warblers, and 20 Savannah Sparrows.