Camas Blooms

Garry Oak GardensNature Reports
By J. Millen

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2 thoughts on “Camas Blooms”

  1. Where can we see an authoritative source on what trails are forbidden to dogs on leash? There seems to be some misinformation circulating.

    • Hi Sharon: at present no public trails on DCA land are forbidden to dogs on leash. Those trails are in Central Park and Winter Wren Wood. Some proposed new public trails on the Settlement Lands, off Central Road (between Pickles and Lake Roads) are planned to be restricted to people only, no dogs. This is privately owned conservation land and the owner, Denman Conservancy Association, is able to establish whatever rules it chooses to maintain the conservation values of that land.
      Other lands with public trails on Denman Island include the three Provincial Parks as well as three Nature Reserves owned by Islands Trust Fund: Morrison Marsh, Lindsay Dickson and Inner Island. Neither of those organizations restrict dogs on leash.

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