Photographing the shoreline at very high tides helps to track the creeping rise of sea levels with climate change. Even more important, seeing our beaches at high tides increases our awareness of what’s happening out there at our ‘edge’!
Please join with us to make a photographic record of the state of our coastlines!
Last year’s King Tide Photo Report can be seen here.
So, this December’s high tides are numerous. Please pick a date and take a pic… (or many)
Upcoming tides predicted over 5m or 16.4 ft (in daylight):
Dec 10 8:28 am
Dec 11 9:05 am
HIGHEST over 17 ft: Dec 25 8:23 am
Dec 26 9:08 am
Dec 27 9:52 am
Dec 28 10:36 am
Dec 29 11:20 am
Dec 30 12:04 noonish
Dec 31 12:48 pm
And there will be more high tides later in January 2019. We will collect photos until the end of January and produce another report of Denman shorelines at these extreme high tides! High tide DI shoreline photos from any date in Dec-Jan will be included.
Send High Tide Pictures to dikingtides@gmail by January 31, 2019