King tides at Komas Bluff

Denman IslandNature Reports
By J. Millen

Home » Nature Reports » King tides at Komas Bluff

On Tuesday 11 December 2018 I visited the Morning Beach Park and went down the stairway to see the wave action at high tide.

View the video, (26 seconds) which also shows the wave action at Fillongly Beach:

Looking southward from the stairway

After shooting the video at 9.30 am I returned in the afternoon around 2 pm to walk the beach and see what evidence there was of erosion of the bluffs.

Towards the south end of the sand bluffs is the only tree fallen from the crest of the bluff in this erosion cycle

Extensive recent erosion

At the north end of the sand bluff – nearer to the stairway – the grey silty bluff material does not erode so easily and the wave action has scoured the beach down to a bench of the original silty material

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