Management Plans Public Consultation

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By EBland

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Over the past year, management planning has been underway for three Nature Reserve properties held by Islands Trust Conservancy (ITC) on Denman Island. A brand new plan has been drafted for Valens’ Brook Nature Reserve, and 10-year reviews have been carried out for Inner Island and Lindsay Dickson Nature Reserves. Denman Conservancy Association (DCA) holds conservation covenants on Lindsay Dickson Nature Reserve and assists with the management of all ITC properties on the island.

Please join DCA and ITC for an Open House on Saturday, September 7th, 2019 from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Old School Centre, followed by a guided walk from 2:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. (see attached poster).

Islands Trust Conservancy and Denman Conservancy Association welcome your feedback on Inner Island and Lindsay Dickson Nature Reserves at this open house as well as through questionnaires on the ITC website (link below).

The draft plans are also available for review in PDF format upon request from the DCA Land Manager, Erika Bland (email to arrange).

SEEKING LOCAL KNOWLEDGE: Are you a neighbour of one of the above Nature Reserves, or someone with a keen interest in their ongoing stewardship? Please contact Erika Bland if you would like to get involved in site walkabouts in September 2019 to offer some of your local knowledge, and your views/concerns about the management of these special places.

Thank you for your ongoing support of conservation on Denman Island.

Interested in getting involved?

DCA relies on volunteers to do most of the maintenance work on our Lands. We need your helping hands to keep the heart of DCA – our lands – beating!

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