SW Corner: Recovering Understory
The SW corner of our fenced area has a recovering native understory of Sword fern, Tall mahonia and Oregon-grape. The Canopy is Cherry trees. The old cedar stump indicates that the area was not cultivated or mown for hay. 9 years ago this area was on the fringe of a major infestation of Daphne.
I am very pleased to report that I only found 3 Daphne in this area today. Two plants I must have missed last year as they are showing flower buds and one seedling. I also removed 3 Hawthorn plants. As noted previously this is the first year I have included Hawthorn in my category of unwanted plants.
I also had to consider: should I classify Cherry saplings as ‘invasive’? They are springing up all around. They grow from the roots of trees and when trees are cut down the stumps will resprout. They grow from the cherry pits that are spread far and wide by birds, squirrels and raccoons. But no; I notice that where deer are browsing the cherries are not so prevalent. Nor do they grow fast under a full shade canopy. So while I have to keep cutting them down in the fenced area I don’t claim they are truly ‘invasive’.