The Heart of the Fraser

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By EBland

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The Heart of the Fraser – Valentines Dinner & Film Screening

On Friday, February 14th, join us for a film screening and dinner at the Denman Island Community Hall!

Denman Conservancy Association and the Association for Denman Island Marine Stewards are collaborating to bring you a screening of The Heart of the Fraser, a documentary produced by Dr. Ken Ashley and the BCIT Rivers Institute. Dr. Ashley will be there to introduce the film, and is generously donating 5 copies of the companion book as door prizes.

This 2019 film highlights one of the most valuable ecosystems in the world, the Fraser River. This critical ecosystem is under constant pressure from urbanization, agricultural expansion and industrial development. Habitat loss and climate change are existential threats to wild Pacific salmon and sturgeon stocks and the myriad wildlife and people that depend on them. With fewer spawning adults returning every year, this documentary reveals what is quietly happening out of sight from most British Columbians, and makes a plea to stop agricultural expansion on these critical flood plain islands and protect the Heart of the Fraser River in perpetuity for future generations. Come for a Valentine’s dinner and the film, or just for the film.

6:00pm: Pizza from Ima’s Kitchen, and salads.

7:00pm: Feature Film

Dinner+Film: ***Advanced tickets required*** – $25 available at Abraxas Books and Weinberg’s Buckley Bay. (Please indicate to ticket seller whether you require Gluten Free or Vegan options.) Must purchase dinner tickets by Monday Feb 10.

For film only: $0-$15 sliding scale; Tickets at Abraxas Books, or at the door.

Please come and support these local conservation groups and have a fantastic fun evening, too!

Questions? Please email  (Families welcome – inquire for kids food pricing.)

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