Birdathon 2020

BirdathonDenman IslandEvents
By J. Millen

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Denman Island Birdathon May 22 – 23, 2020

The goals of the Birdathon are to have fun, celebrate Denman Island’s diverse and beautiful bird life and support DCA’s conservation work.

The rules are few:

1) Ask sponsors for pledges based on the number of bird species you identify (or a flat donation sum).

2) Tally the species you identify during the Birdathon (the 24-hour period beginning at 4 pm on Friday, May 22nd).

Pine Siskin, Spinus pinus (juvenile)

Download and print your Pledge sheet here: B i r d a t h o n P l e d g e 2020

And what birds might you find on Denman Island in May? Here is a helpful aid for your search: birdathon list

Interested in getting involved?

DCA relies on volunteers to do most of the maintenance work on our Lands. We need your helping hands to keep the heart of DCA – our lands – beating!

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