Two Islands Birdathon

BirdathonDenman IslandEvents
By J. Millen

Home » Events » Birdathon » Two Islands Birdathon

The Birdathon begins at 4 pm on Friday, May 22nd and ends 24 hours later. If you are taking part in the Birdathon, here is what you need to know.

If you still need a pledge form, they can be downloaded: B i r d a t h o n P l e d g e 2020. They are also available at the Denman General Store.

If you are shy about asking for sponsors, it is fine to simply take part and make a donation if you are able.

Make a list of the species you identify. After the Birdathon, please let your sponsors know your species total. They can mail cash or checks directly to the Denman Conservancy Association at P.O. Box 60, Denman Island, BC, V0R 1T0.

Pledges can also be paid via Paypal at the ‘Donate’ button below. To obtain a tax receipt (available for amounts of $10 or more) please be sure to enter your mailing address on the Paypal form.


On Hornby, pledges can be paid at the conservancy website: Hornby bird lists should also be emailed to the address on this site.

On Denman, please email your bird list to Ken at We will use these lists to see which island wins the “Most species identified trophy.”

If you are taking part in the competition to identify birds without using fossil fuels, please send Ken your numbers from either island!

We’ll post the results of the poetry, art and photography contests here after the Birdathon.

Interested in getting involved?

DCA relies on volunteers to do most of the maintenance work on our Lands. We need your helping hands to keep the heart of DCA – our lands – beating!

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