Two Islands Birdathon 2020 Wrap-up

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By J. Millen

Home » Events » Birdathon » Two Islands Birdathon 2020 Wrap-up

Contributed by Ken Madsen

I want to thank everyone for helping to make the 2020 Birdathon a success. Thanks to all the Birdathoners, sponsors, and those who entered the art, poetry and photo contests.

The prize for the island that identified the most bird species goes to Denman Island with 95 species. See list of species here: 2020 birdathon list-Denman

Hornby came through with 74 species – an excellent effort for their first year. The Denman Conservancy wins the coveted Pacific-slope Flycatcher trophy (photo donated by Dennis Forsyth).

There were an impressive number of entrants in the Fossil-Fuel-Free Birdathon. The 2020 winner is Erika Bland who walked and cycled all over the island and identified 67 species. See Erika’s list here: Erika’s Birds observed Birdathon 2020   There were two close seconds with 61 species: Randy Wood who hiked for many foot-weary miles on Denman, and Paule Corteau on Hornby who walked, kayaked and E-biked. The environment is the winner in this category, although Erika is also the deserved winner of a framed print of a Pacific Loon by photographer Malkolm Boothroyd.

We had wonderful entries in the poetry, art and photo contests. Here are the winners:


Philippa Joly won the poetry contest with Awards of Excellence going to Verna Isbister and Patty Willis. See Des Kennedy’s comments and winning verses here: poetry winners


The Photo Contest was won by Lukas Miller:

Winner Photo art: Wren Resting in Foliage by Lukas Miller

with Awards of Excellence to Luke Barber and Josh Deleenheer.  click on thumbnail for large image


Verna Isbister won the adult art contest with a fantastic acrylic painting of a Great Blue Heron.

by Verna Isbister

Nick Kirk gets an Award of Excellence for his Birds of Salish Sea drawing. Emma McCleery won the U-12 art division with her mixed-media creation: “Hummingbird”. Thank you to Denman Island General Store for hosting the Birdathon Art Wall. click on thumbnail for large image

Thanks to Des Kennedy for judging our poetry contest and to Dennis Forsyth, Malkolm Boothroyd, Sa Boothroyd and Denman Island Chocolate for donating prizes. Thanks especially to the Denman and Hornby Conservancies for their year-round work on protecting our islands.

To honour your Birdathon pledge: (click here to donate via Paypal)

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