Volunteer for the DCA Home & Garden Tour in June 2022!

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JUNE 11th & 12th, 2022



The Denman Island Home and Garden Tour is a major fund-raising event for the DCA.  The last one was held in 2019.  The DCA uses the money raised for various activities such as managing conservation lands, species conservation, public education, and community information.  This year JoAnne Shepherd and Naomi Elliot are the coordinators and Katarina Meglic will return in the capacity of Media liaison.


We will be following Provincial Covid Regulations and each Homeowners’ wishes. We think you’ll be excited when you learn who is on the tour.  It will include some fabulous properties that are returning to the tour, as well as some never seen before homes and gardens that we believe will delight you.


We’re sure you can imagine the amount of work that goes into putting together such an event and we are asking for your help. Some examples where volunteers will be needed are to help  get homes or gardens ready for viewing, help making and/or erecting signs, help on the actual weekend checking tickets, directing visitors, etc.  THIS EVENT CANNOT HAPPEN WITHOUT ALL HANDS ON DECK. We know it will be a fun weekend, especially the thank you party afterwards!


If you would like to volunteer please get in touch with either Naomi at naomielliot0[at]gmail[dot]com or JoAnne at joanne.shepherd3210[at]gmail[dot]com.  Please give us your contact information (email address and telephone) and also an indication of what you would be willing to do to help.  Anything and everything is appreciated!  


By the way, if you would like to put your garden and/or home on the tour, or would like to  provide lunches for our visitors in the Community Hall, please also get in touch, sooner rather than later as we are in full swing organizing these details.


Thank you.


Naomi Elliot

JoAnne Shepherd


Interested in getting involved?

DCA relies on volunteers to do most of the maintenance work on our Lands. We need your helping hands to keep the heart of DCA – our lands – beating!

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