BATS in 2023 Update

BatsDenman IslandNature ReportsNews
By J. Millen

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This is just a quick up-date and initial bat activities for 2023! More information is available via the link at the end of this report.

1. ANY DEAD BATS Please Call 250-335-2151, or 250-897-6257.

This is still the key White Nose Disease-testing Window ‘Nov 1 to May 31’

2. BAT BOXES: As soon as a bit better weather prevails, some bat houses will be moved and when painting weather returns, other new houses will be created for those who still wish them.

3. Where did the bats go A very cute, 8 min, kid-oriented puppet-bat video from the UK shows the trials and tribulations of UK bats, both the problems and solutions, in a way that’s easily appreciated by all.

Of note BC has at least 15 bat species, 9 of which are on rare lists and the status of 1 is unknown. So only 5 of our 15 BC bat species are known to have reasonable numbers. We have work to do!

4. The Report from our Bat Project’s 2022 summer student Ryann Rudderham, from U Vic is completed. This report details her experience in monitoring many of the Denman bat houses during 2 visits to Denman over the past summer. Note while this report is based Ryann’s relatively brief observations and not a summary of all Denman bat boxes or habitats, it adds to our overall bat knowledge. We hope to involve more folks in monitoring our bats this summer! A full overview of last summer’s batty activities was presented last fall and the results of the various activities will be reported as we start the new season.

Our bats are hibernating during the winter somewhere… new research suggests at least some may be close….possible deep into cavities in large old trees, or some in Denman caves, and as a we know, a few are found in wood piles etc…??

Denman Hornby Bat Project ~dhbatproject [at]

part of BC Community Bat Program

More info:

  • Western Bat Working Group is hosting their Biennial Bat Conference in Victoria, BC this April 19-21, 2023.
  • UBC MSc Thesis about bats in Vancouver by J. Craig 2019

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