In 2022 DCA set about a project to restore former parking and turnaround areas within Winter Wren Wood. This project involved seeking the approval of Islands Trust Conservancy as the Covenant holders on the land.
The first step in the project was to close off vehicle access to these areas using boulders placed across the former driveway, undertaken in fall 2022. The placement still allows for pedestrian access and short-term parking off Lake Road. The closure of vehicle access to the inner forest area greatly reduces risk of fire during the summer months, whilst simultaneously allowing restoration work to promote revegetation of the degraded areas.

In August 2023, a volunteer work party set about Step 2 of the project; relocating the old cedar split-rail fencing at the back of the former parking area to protect the areas under restoration. The newly relocated fence still allows ample footpath access to Chickadee Lake and the nature trail area.

It was noticeable that even after less than one year of no vehicle use, that many tiny seedlings were already popping up in the bare and compacted former parking area. The long-term restoration plan includes the supplemental planting of native species, but we continue to monitor the natural revegetation taking place for the time being.

This is a long-term project, and the restoration of the degraded forest floor areas will take many years. We look forward to sharing further updates as the project continues.

DCA would like to thank community members who donated their time and expertise to assist with the access changes, along with the dedicated fence-building volunteers, and Habitat Conservation Trust Foundation (HCTF) for funding support through their Land Stewardship Grant.