Rabies Caution

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Before thinking of cozying up to a bat ..REMEMBER: Think Rabies FIRST! 

Do not expose yourself to being bitten or scratched by any wildlife!  Many bats migrate to Denman from mainland North America where rabies exists. Bats are wild mammals and like other mammals, a very small percentage may have Rabies.  Rabies, while very rare, IS DEADLY … to the bat and to other mammals.  So don’t touch bats directly.  Try letting bats leave on their own through open doors and windows, or use a pillowcase, yogurt tub or other item to gently cover them (like spiders!) & then put them outside.  Vaccinate your pets for rabies!

Rabies Caution


If you have been exposed – bitten or scratched, by a bat, call the Public Health Officers,  Jennifer and Denise for the North Island @ Office Hours (M-F 8:30-5:00)

Toll Free 1-877-887-8835 or 250-331-8555
After Office Hours  1-800-204-6166

The treatment is an injection of immunoglobulin and a vaccination, & then re-vaccination at 3,7 & 14 days.