Ownership of land is the most secure way to protect its natural values. It does, however entail on-going costs for controlling alien invasive species, ensuring there are no human depredations and maintaining trails for public use. DCA currently maintains trails for public recreation on several properties across the island, including some of those listed below.

DCA intends that our land will be preserved for conservation in perpetuity. Future costs of managing it will be aided by revenue from DCA’s Endowment Fund, held by the Vancouver Foundation.
DCA OWns FOUR Conservation Properties:
Pickles Waterfall Wetland / Raven Forest Lands Conservation Area
Purchased by DCA in
DCA manages on behalf of Islands Trust Conservancy:
Lindsay-Dickson Nature Reserve
Purchased by DCA with support from Province of BC in
DCA played a major role in the acquisition of all of these Islands Trust Conservancy properties.