Our Work

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The work of the Conservancy is managed by the Board of Directors. The Board has four main operating Committees:

Our Work

Denman Conservancy Association

The Denman Conservancy Association is a volunteer organization formed to preserve, protect and enhance the quality of the natural and human environment of Denman Island.

photo by John Millen

Photo: Lindsay Dickson Nature Reserve Shoreline

Administration, Finance & Fundraising Committee:

Conservation Planning & Stewardship Committee:

  • The Conservation Planning & Stewardship Committee is responsible for the following actions:
    • Develop priority list of high conservation value areas on Denman using all available information
    • Determine types of conservation that would be appropriate for those lands
    • Handle preliminary steps for new land securements
    • Address Stewardship engagement and target appropriate grants
    • Review and propose revisions to Management plans to incorporate Climate change and biodiversity targets, with indigenous partnerships
    • Determine if restoration is warranted to ensure our managed lands are resilient to environmental change, and how to make it happen

Lands Committee:

  • DCA owns and manages lands comprising three properties of total area 122.28 ha and also manages on behalf of Islands Trust Conservancy three Nature Reserves of total area 114 ha. This is accomplished with the assistance of a part-time Land Manager
  • DCA holds Conservation Covenants on eight properties of total area 207 ha.
  • Lands Committee directs the work of our Land Manager Andy Blackburn
  • Volunteer Work Bees are the main way DCA takes care of our lands.

Outreach Committee:

  • Communicates with the Denman community by distributing Newsletters and maintaining this website
  • Arranges Events such as Walks & Talks and a Scientific Speaker Series
  • Promotes Stewardship on Private land and especially stewardship programs to support the endangered Taylor’s Checkerspot Butterfly
  • Supports recreation on our properties –Joy of Walking first edition May 10, 2017.