A conservation covenant is a voluntary written agreement that allows landowners to permanently protect specified natural features of their land in perpetuity. The covenant is registered on the property’s title at the Land Title Office and binds present and future owners to protect the land’s conservation values. Denman Conservancy Association (DCA) has been approved to hold both conservation covenants and statutory rights-of-way on Denman Island by the BC Provincial Government.
DCA holds thirteen conservation covenants and related statutory rights-of-way totalling 207 hectares (511 acres). As covenant holder DCA monitors and, in some cases, as described below, manages these covenant areas.

Covenant Descriptions
Denman Island Chocolate Ltd. Conservation Covenant (2007)
Morrison Marsh Nature Reserve (2006)
Railway Grade Marsh Complex Conservation Covenant (2006)
Komas Bluffs Conservation Covenant (2006)
Lindsay Dickson Nature Reserve (2008)
Danes Creek North Conservation Covenant at The Point (2010)
Danes Creek South Conservation Covenant (2010)
Denman Island Memorial Society Natural Burial Cemetery (2013)
(an additional five separate covenants are held on Komas Bluff lands owned by individuals)