Morrison Marsh Property Preserved
A 125-acre block of forested land, adjacent to Boyle Point Park was donated to Islands Trust Fund in 2005, to be preserved in perpetuity for its conservation values.
Part of the original land holdings of 4064 Investments Ltd., this parcel was the first large block sold by the company. The new owner, at the time of purchase, intended to dedicate much of the land to conservation. DCA was then in the throes of its Legacy Project and fundraising to try to purchase the Chickadee Lake property. Nevertheless the owner’s good intentions and the natural values of the land were compelling.
DCA obtained a grant to help with the cost of preparation of a conservation covenant, baseline studies, mapping and surveys. Ultimately the owner decided that a transfer of the bulk of the property to the Islands Trust Fund was a simpler solution.
DCA holds a conservation covenant on the land and since March 2008 has been manager of the Reserve.
There is an extensive network of walking trails on the Reserve open to the public. These trails connect with the adjacent Boyle Point Provincial Park.
We are sure we speak for the whole Island when we express our great appreciation of the owner’s generosity that has preserved this valuable block of natural landscape.

The current Management Plan for Morrison Marsh Nature Reserve can be found here. The original Morrison Marsh Management Plan, created in 2007, is also available for download (1.3 Mb pdf).
The original Morrison Marsh Management Plan, created in 2007