Vision Statement of Denman Conservancy Association
We envision diverse and resilient ecosystems in perpetuity, stewarded by an inspired and informed community.
Mission Statement
We engage the Denman Island community in the protection of natural ecosystems on the island, through:
- Education
- Enabling nature experiences
- Building collaborative relationships
- Acquiring, managing and stewarding lands
- Enhancing human and financial resources to sustain our organization
- Conducting our work/role in the context of global environmental issues
*Vision and Mission Accepted by the Board of Directors 15 December 2014
Become a Member!
Renewing your membership annually is a great way you can to contribute to DCA’s ongoing work:
- Any resident or landowner on Denman Island over the age of 16 may become a regular member of the DCA. (A regular member is entitled to full voting rights.)
- A non- resident who is not a property owner on Denman Island may become an associate member. (An associate member is not entitled to vote on special resolutions.)
- Anyone who is under the age of 16 may become a junior member. (A junior member may not vote at a general meeting but may vote as a committee member.)
- Life memberships and corporate memberships are also available. For more information, please contact a DCA board member or e-mail
The Denman Conservancy Association has charitable tax status. Membership fees and donations of $25 or more are eligible for charitable tax receipts. All tax receipts will be issued at the end of the tax year (~Feb).

Any resident or landowner on Denman Island over the age of 16 may become a regular member.
Anyone who is under the age of 16 may become a junior member.
A non- resident who is not a property owner on Denman Island may become an associate member.
Life memberships and corporate memberships are also available.
Contact UsDirectors for 2024:
- Doug Bell
- Erika Bland
- Steve Carballeira
- Stirling Fraser
- DD Fuchs (Co-Chair)
- Dylan Gale
- Luise Hermanutz (Co-Chair)
- John Millen
- Steve Morgan
- Francis van den Dam (Treasurer)
- Patti Willis
- Susan-Marie Yoshihara (Secretary)
All directors are residents of Denman Island
Land Manager: Andy Blackburn
Contact Us

DCA Committees:
DCA has several Committees reporting to the
Board of Directors whose members carry out our ongoing work:
● Administration, Finance & Fundraising Committee
● Conservation Planning & Stewardship Committee
● Lands Management Committee
● Outreach & Education Committee
Contact us if you are interested in joining a committee!
DCA Strategic Goals
The DCA Board of Directors meets at regular intervals to discuss our Objectives and Goals for the coming years. The last update of our Strategic Goals was in 2020.

DCA Privacy commitment to members:
The DCA Will: Protect the confidentiality of your personal information; Keep you informed about our privacy policies and practices; Let you see your personal information. The DCA Will Not: collect, use, or disclose your information without your consent, unless required or authorized by law.
The DCA has Privacy Policies that explain more fully how and why the DCA collects, uses, and discloses your personal information. The written Policy is linked below. For more information, please contact the DCA’s Privacy Officer, Susan-Marie Yoshihara.
Constitution, Bylaws & Policies:
Organized Events on DCA Owned or Managed Properties
DCA Conflict of interest Guidelines
DCA Policy on Endowment Funding
DCA Policy on Securements on ALR Lands
Policy for Remuneration on DCA Projects
DCA Policy re Development
Fundraising Policy
Membership Policies and Fees
DCA Covenant Enforcement Policy & Procedure.
Denman Conservancy strives to conduct its operations in accordance with the Canadian Land Trust Standards and Practices.